Causal language modeling
Explore causal language modeling examples
A collection of notebooks demonstrating PEFT methods applied to various tasks
Explore causal language modeling examples
Note Apply PEFT methods to causal language modeling
Generate text based on conditional prompts
Note Apply PEFT methods to conditional generation
Generate images from text descriptions
Note Apply PEFT methods to train diffusion models
Extract features for semantic similarity analysis
Note Apply PEFT methods for a feature extraction task like semantic similarity
Classify images into categories
Note Apply PEFT methods for image classification
Provide a link to a quantization notebook
Note Combine PEFT and quantization methods to train truly large models
Classify sequences using various methods
Note Apply PEFT methods to sequence classification
Analyze images to label objects
Note Apply PEFT methods to semantic segmentation
Classify tokens in text data
Note Apply PEFT methods to token classification