No application file
No application file
site_name: crewAI | |
site_author: crewAI, Inc | |
site_description: Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks. | |
repo_name: crewAI | |
repo_url: | |
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copyright: Copyright © 2024 crewAI, Inc | |
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nav: | |
- Home: '/' | |
- Core Concepts: | |
- Agents: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Tasks: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Tools: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Processes: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Crews: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Collaboration: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Training: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Memory: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Planning: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Using LangChain Tools: 'core-concepts/' | |
- Using LlamaIndex Tools: 'core-concepts/' | |
- How to Guides: | |
- Starting Your crewAI Project: 'how-to/' | |
- Installing CrewAI: 'how-to/' | |
- Getting Started: 'how-to/' | |
- Create Custom Tools: 'how-to/' | |
- Using Sequential Process: 'how-to/' | |
- Using Hierarchical Process: 'how-to/' | |
- Create your own Manager Agent: 'how-to/' | |
- Connecting to any LLM: 'how-to/' | |
- Customizing Agents: 'how-to/' | |
- Coding Agents: 'how-to/' | |
- Forcing Tool Output as Result: 'how-to/' | |
- Human Input on Execution: 'how-to/' | |
- Kickoff a Crew Asynchronously: 'how-to/' | |
- Kickoff a Crew for a List: 'how-to/' | |
- Replay from a specific task from a kickoff: 'how-to/' | |
- Conditional Tasks: 'how-to/' | |
- Agent Monitoring with AgentOps: 'how-to/' | |
- Agent Monitoring with LangTrace: 'how-to/' | |
- Tools Docs: | |
- Google Serper Search: 'tools/' | |
- Browserbase Web Loader: 'tools/' | |
- Composio Tools: 'tools/' | |
- Code Interpreter: 'tools/' | |
- Scrape Website: 'tools/' | |
- Directory Read: 'tools/' | |
- Exa Serch Web Loader: 'tools/' | |
- File Read: 'tools/' | |
- Selenium Scraper: 'tools/' | |
- Directory RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- PDF RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- TXT RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- CSV RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- XML RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- JSON RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
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- MDX RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- PG RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Website RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Github RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Code Docs RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Youtube Video RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Youtube Channel RAG Search: 'tools/' | |
- Examples: | |
- Trip Planner Crew:" | |
- Create Instagram Post:" | |
- Stock Analysis:" | |
- Game Generator:" | |
- Drafting emails with LangGraph:" | |
- Landing Page Generator:" | |
- Prepare for meetings:" | |
- Telemetry: 'telemetry/' | |
- Change Log: '' | |
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