import asyncio import os from enkacard import encbanner import concurrent.futures import requests from fastapi import FastAPI from io import BytesIO from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse import enkacard import starrailcard import enkanetwork import uvicorn import cloudinary import cloudinary.uploader from cloudinary.utils import cloudinary_url app = FastAPI() # Cloudinary configuration cloudinary.config( cloud_name="dob6buqxd", api_key="397945971979515", api_secret="nRMIOSr10xiLo443LLMNDxJBB-Q", secure=True ) # Genshin Impact card creation async def genshin_card(id, designtype): async with encbanner.ENC(uid=str(id)) as encard: return await encard.creat(akasha=True, template=(2 if str(designtype) == "2" else 1)) # Star Rail card creation async def starrail_card(id, designtype): async with starrailcard.Card(seeleland=True, remove_logo=True) as card: return await card.create(id, style=(2 if str(designtype) == "2" else 1)) # Star Rail profile creation async def starrail_profile(id): async with starrailcard.Card(remove_logo=True, seeleland=True) as card: return await card.create_profile(id, style=2) # Route for Genshin Impact @app.get("/genshin/{id}") async def genshin_characters(id: int, design: str = "1"): try: result = await genshin_card(id, design) characters = process_images(result, id) return JSONResponse(content={'response': characters}) except enkanetwork.exception.VaildateUIDError: return JSONResponse(content={'error': 'Invalid UID. Please check your UID.'}, status_code=400) except enkacard.enc_error.ENCardError: return JSONResponse(content={'error': 'Enable display of the showcase in the game or add characters there.'}, status_code=400) except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content={'error': 'UNKNOWN ERR: ' + str(e)}, status_code=500) # Route for Star Rail @app.get("/starrail/{id}") async def starrail_characters(id: int, design: str = "1"): try: result = await starrail_card(id, design) characters = process_images(result, id) return JSONResponse(content={'response': characters}) except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content={'error': 'UNKNOWN ERR: ' + str(e)}, status_code=500) # Route for Star Rail profile @app.get("/starrail/profile/{id}") async def starrail_profile_route(id: int): try: result = await starrail_profile(id) profile_data = process_profile(result, id) return JSONResponse(content={'response': profile_data}) except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content={'error': 'UNKNOWN ERR: ' + str(e)}, status_code=500) @app.get("/") def root(): return "Welcome to the API!" # Helper function to upload the image to Cloudinary def upload_image(data, character_id, player_id): try: # Set the public_id to include the character ID and the given player ID public_id = f"{character_id}_{player_id}" # Upload image to Cloudinary with the specified public_id upload_result = cloudinary.uploader.upload(data, folder="card_images", public_id=public_id,invalidate = True) # Get the secure URL of the uploaded image return upload_result["secure_url"] except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Cloudinary upload error: {str(e)}") # Process individual image card def process_image(dt, player_id): with BytesIO() as byte_io:, "PNG") # Upload the image using the character's ID and player ID image_url = upload_image(byte_io,, player_id) return { "name":, "id":, "url": image_url } # Process the profile image def process_profile(profile_card, player_id): with BytesIO() as byte_io:, "PNG") # Use the character ID and player ID for the profile card image_url = upload_image(byte_io, profile_card.character_id, player_id) return { "name": profile_card.character_name, "url": image_url, "character_ids": profile_card.character_id } # Process all the images returned def process_images(result, player_id): characters = [] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(process_image, dt, player_id) for dt in result.card] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): try: characters.append(future.result()) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing image: {e}") return characters if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", host="", port=7860, workers=8, timeout_keep_alive=60000)