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Llama-2 7B Chat with Uncertainty Probes

This Space demonstrates the Llama-2-7b-chat model with a semantic uncertainty probe.

This demo is based on our paper: "Semantic Entropy Probes: Robust and Cheap Hallucination Detection in LLMs" by Jannik Kossen*, Jiatong Han*, Muhammed Razzak*, Lisa Schut, Shreshth Malik and Yarin Gal.

The highlighted text shows the model's uncertainty in real-time:

The demo compares the model's uncertainty with two different probes:

Please see our paper for more details. NOTE: This demo is a work in progress.

zWhat is the capital of France?zWho landed on the moon?zWho is Yarin Gal?z1Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms.Tzmeta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hfautoF) device_map load_in_8bitz ./model/20240625-131035_demo.pklrbt_bmodelsep_layer_ranget_amodelap_layer_rangeu;

Running on CPU 🥶 This demo does not work on CPU.

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Semantic Uncertainty Probe

zSemantic Uncertainty Probez

Accuracy Probe

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