/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ template constexpr __host__ __device__ auto divUp(U a, V b) -> decltype(a + b) { return (a + b - 1) / b; } template __inline__ __device__ void zeroSharedMem(scalar_t* data) { /* Given an array of length FS + SB, zero out the first padding_l and last (FS - padding_l) values in the array */ int tid = threadIdx.x; if (FS < SB) { // zero all if we have enough threads in a block to do all of them if (tid < padding_l || tid > SB - FS + padding_l - 1) { data[tid] = scalar_t(0.0); } } else { // otherwise zero out one block at a time const int numIterations = divUp(FS, SB); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { int offset = i * SB; if (tid + offset < padding_l) { data[tid + offset] = scalar_t(0.0); } else if (tid + offset < FS) { data[SB + tid + offset] = scalar_t(0.0); } } } } template __inline__ __device__ scalar_t warpReduce(scalar_t data) { /* Reduce an array within each warp. After processing all values in warp will caontain the sum of all original values in that warp. data - pointer to data to reduce */ data += __shfl_xor_sync(SHFL_MASK, data, 16); data += __shfl_xor_sync(SHFL_MASK, data, 8); data += __shfl_xor_sync(SHFL_MASK, data, 4); data += __shfl_xor_sync(SHFL_MASK, data, 2); data += __shfl_xor_sync(SHFL_MASK, data, 1); return data; } template __inline__ __device__ scalar_t blockReduce(scalar_t data) { /* Reduce an entire array on the block level. After processing, the first value in the array will contain the reduced sum. data - pointer to data to reduce */ static __shared__ scalar_t warpSum[32]; const int tid = threadIdx.x; int wid = tid / 32; int lane = tid % 32; __syncthreads(); // reduce each warp then write to shared memory scalar_t sum = warpReduce(data); if (lane == 0) { warpSum[wid] = sum; } __syncthreads(); scalar_t v; // perform final sum of partial warp sums if (tid < blockDim.x / 32) { v = warpSum[lane]; } else { v = scalar_t(0.0); } if (wid == 0) { v = warpReduce(v); } __syncthreads(); return v; } void checkCudaStatus(cudaError_t status, int lineNumber = -1) { if (status != cudaSuccess) { std::cout << cudaGetErrorString(status) << " at line " << lineNumber << std::endl; std::cout << "Exiting" << std::endl; exit(1); } } template __device__ void load_input_to_shared(const scalar_t* input, // global memory int inputOffset, int sequenceLength, int iteration, int numIterations, bool no_prev, scalar_t* output /* shared memory */) { /* Load a block size of input into shared memory with right and left overhang of total size FS. If previously loaded memory, overlap will be shifted over to reduce global memory access input - pointer to start of channel sequence inputOffset - how far in the sequence to start loading sequenceLength - total length of sequence iteration - which block of sequence we are loading numIterations - total number of blocks to load no_prev - whether to load the whole block if the previous block wasn't loaded output - shared memory to write input to */ const int tid = threadIdx.x; // Load the left "overhang" of input if (iteration > 0) { if (padding_l < SB) { // load all at once if (tid < padding_l) { output[tid] = (no_prev) ? input[inputOffset - padding_l + tid] : output[tid + SB]; } } else { // load in chunks of size SB int numIterations = divUp(padding_l, SB); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { int offset = i * SB; if ((tid + offset) < padding_l) { output[tid + offset] = (no_prev) ? input[inputOffset - padding_l + tid + offset] : output[tid + offset + SB]; } } } } // Load the right "overhang" of input if (iteration < (numIterations - 1)) { const int elementsLeft = sequenceLength - (iteration+1) * SB; if ((FS - padding_l) < SB) { // load all at once if (tid < (FS - padding_l)) { output[padding_l + SB + tid] = (tid < elementsLeft) ? input[inputOffset + SB + tid] : scalar_t(0.0); } } else { // load in chunks of size SB int numIterations = divUp(FS - padding_l, SB); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { int offset = i * SB; if ((tid + offset) < (FS - padding_l)) { output[padding_l + SB + tid + offset] = ((tid + offset) < elementsLeft) ? input[inputOffset + SB + tid + offset] : scalar_t(0.0); } } } } // We should also clear out the right "overhang" if (iteration == (numIterations - 1)) { if ((FS - padding_l) < SB) { // clear out all at once if (tid < (FS - padding_l)) { output[padding_l + SB + tid] = scalar_t(0.0); } } else { // clear in chunks of size SB int numIterations = divUp(FS - padding_l, SB); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { int offset = i * SB; if ((tid + offset) < (FS - padding_l)) { output[padding_l + SB + tid + offset] = scalar_t(0.0); } } } } output[tid + padding_l] = ((inputOffset + tid) < sequenceLength) ? input[inputOffset + tid] : scalar_t(0.0); }