File size: 9,907 Bytes
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import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
import gradio as gr
def get_exif(image_path):
with as img:
exif_data = img.getexif()
# print(exif_data)
if not exif_data:
return None, None, None
if "Local Coordinates (m)" in exif_data[34737]:
return None, None, None
pixel_scale = exif_data[33550] # Tag ID for PixelScale
model_tie_point = exif_data[33922] # Tag ID for ModelTiePoint
pixel_scale_x, pixel_scale_y, _ = pixel_scale
_, _, _, _, latitude, _ = model_tie_point
return pixel_scale_x, pixel_scale_y, latitude
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error extracting metadata: {e}")
return None, None, None
def pixel_size_in_feet(x_scale_degrees, latitude):
meters_per_degree_lat = 111320 # Average meters per degree of latitude
meters_per_degree_lon = meters_per_degree_lat * math.cos(math.radians(latitude))
pixel_size_x_feet = x_scale_degrees * meters_per_degree_lon * 3.28084
return pixel_size_x_feet
def feet_per_inch(dpi, pixel_size_x_feet):
# Calculate the number of pixels in 1 inch
pixels_per_inch = dpi
# Calculate the number of feet in 1 inch
feet_per_inch = pixels_per_inch * pixel_size_x_feet
return feet_per_inch
def nearest_number(n):
numbers = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000]
return min(numbers, key=lambda x: abs(x - n))
def calculate_dpi(x_scale_degrees, latitude):
pixel_size_x_feet = pixel_size_in_feet(x_scale_degrees, latitude)
pixel_size_x_inches = pixel_size_x_feet / 12
dpi = 1 / pixel_size_x_inches
return dpi
def add_white_space(img):
_, height_px = img.size
bottom_space = int(height_px * 0.2) # Calculate the size of the bottom space
top_space = int(height_px * 0.1) # Calculate the size of the top space
new_height_px = int(height_px + bottom_space + top_space)
img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=(0, top_space, 0, bottom_space), fill='white')
return img, new_height_px
def add_white_space_right(img):
width_px, height_px = img.size
right_space = int(width_px * 0.3) # Calculate the size of the right space
left_space = int(width_px * 0.1) # Calculate the size of the left space
new_width_px = int(width_px + right_space)
img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=(0, 0, right_space, 0), fill='white')
return img
def draw_scale_bar(right_img, exif_data, compass, line_img, paste_x_position, paste_y_position):
pixel_scale_x = exif_data[0]
pixel_scale_y = exif_data[1]
latitude = exif_data[2]
if pixel_scale_x is None or pixel_scale_y is None or latitude is None:
# Calculate pixel size in feet
pixel_size_x = pixel_size_in_feet(pixel_scale_x, latitude)
image_width_feet = round(line_img.width * pixel_size_x)
scale_max = nearest_number(image_width_feet / 5)
# Calculate scale bar dimensions
scale_bar_width_px = int(line_img.width * (scale_max / image_width_feet))
scale_bar_height_px = int(scale_bar_width_px * 0.08)
# x_position = int(right_img.width * 0.90 - scale_bar_width_px) # Adjusted for 5% from the right
x_position = paste_x_position
y_position = int(right_img.height - (right_img.height - paste_y_position - scale_bar_height_px) * 2) # Adjusted for new height
font_size = int(scale_bar_width_px * 0.1)
# Draw scale bar
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(right_img)
font = ImageFont.truetype("Arial Unicode.ttf", font_size) #DejaVuSans.ttf, Arial.ttf
print("loaded font")
except IOError:
font = ImageFont.load_default()
print("default :()")
section_width = scale_bar_width_px / 4
section_x_position = x_position - 1 * section_width #base 0 incremental position
text_position = (section_x_position + section_width - font_size / 4, y_position - font_size - 20)
draw.text(text_position, "0", fill="black", font=font)
for i in range(4): #other incremental positions
section_x_position = x_position + i * section_width
fill_color = "black" if i % 2 == 0 else "white"
draw.rectangle([section_x_position, y_position, section_x_position + section_width, y_position + scale_bar_height_px], fill=fill_color)
text = str(round(scale_max / 4 * (i + 1), 2))
if text.endswith('.0'):
text = text.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
if i == 3:
text += " feet"
text_position = (section_x_position + section_width - font_size / 4, y_position - font_size - 20)
draw.text(text_position, text, fill="black", font=font)
# Draw outline around scale bar
outline_width = 3
draw.line([(x_position, y_position), (x_position + scale_bar_width_px, y_position)], fill="black", width=outline_width)
draw.line([(x_position, y_position), (x_position, y_position + scale_bar_height_px)], fill="black", width=outline_width)
draw.line([(x_position + scale_bar_width_px, y_position), (x_position + scale_bar_width_px, y_position + scale_bar_height_px)], fill="black", width=outline_width)
draw.line([(x_position, y_position + scale_bar_height_px), (x_position + scale_bar_width_px, y_position + scale_bar_height_px)], fill="black", width=outline_width)
#feet per inch
font = ImageFont.truetype("Arial Unicode.ttf", int(font_size * 1.3)) #DejaVuSans.ttf, Arial.ttf
except IOError:
font = ImageFont.load_default()
dpi = calculate_dpi(pixel_scale_x, latitude)
dpi = 96
fpi = round(feet_per_inch(dpi, pixel_size_x), 2)
feet_per_inch_text = '1" = ' + str(fpi) + ' feet'
paste_y_position = int(right_img.height - (right_img.height - paste_y_position - scale_bar_height_px) * 3)
text_position = (x_position, paste_y_position)
# text_position = (x_position, y_position - font_size - 200)
draw.text(text_position, feet_per_inch_text, fill='black', font=font)
# # Add in a small compass
compass = compass.convert("RGBA")
new_compass_width = int(right_img.width * 0.05)
compass_ratio = new_compass_width / compass.width
new_compass_height = int(compass.height * compass_ratio)
compass = compass.resize((new_compass_width, new_compass_height))
# Paste the compass in the top right of the image with 5% margin
paste_compass_x_position = int(right_img.width - (right_img.width + new_compass_width * 2 - paste_x_position) / 2)
# paste_compass_x_position = int(right_img.width * 0.05)
paste_compass_y_position = int(right_img.height * 0.05) # 5% margin on the top
right_img.paste(compass, (paste_compass_x_position, paste_compass_y_position), compass)
return right_img
def watermark(right_img, sb_logo, line_img):
sb_logo = sb_logo.convert("RGBA")
new_logo_width = int(line_img.width * 0.2)
logo_ratio = new_logo_width / sb_logo.width
new_logo_height = int(sb_logo.height * logo_ratio)
sb_logo = sb_logo.resize((new_logo_width, new_logo_height))
# Calculate the position for the logo to be 5% from the right
paste_x_position = int(right_img.width * 0.95 - new_logo_width)
paste_y_position = int(right_img.height * 0.95 - new_logo_height)#new_height_px - new_logo_height - int(bottom_space / 4)
right_img.paste(sb_logo, (paste_x_position, paste_y_position), sb_logo)
return right_img, paste_x_position, paste_y_position
def freemium_watermark(img, sb_logo):
width_px, height_px = img.size
# Convert the logo to "RGBA" mode and resize it to 80% of the image width
sb_logo = sb_logo.convert("RGBA")
new_logo_width = int(width_px * 0.8) # 80% of the image width
logo_ratio = new_logo_width / sb_logo.width
new_logo_height = int(sb_logo.height * logo_ratio)
sb_logo = sb_logo.resize((new_logo_width, new_logo_height))
# Make the logo semi-translucent
transparent_img ='RGBA', (sb_logo.width, sb_logo.height), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Create a transparent image of the same size
sb_logo = Image.blend(transparent_img, sb_logo, alpha=0.3) # Blend the logo with the transparent image
# Calculate the position to paste the logo at the center of the image
paste_x_position = (width_px - new_logo_width) // 2
paste_y_position = (height_px - new_logo_height) // 2
img.paste(sb_logo, (paste_x_position, paste_y_position), sb_logo)
# Save the image
return img
def create_line_drawing(input_path):
with as img:
img_array = np.array(img)
# Line processing
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_array, (7, 7), 0)
edges = cv2.Canny(blurred, 100, 180)
structuring_element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (4,3))
dilated_edges = cv2.dilate(edges, structuring_element, iterations=1)
line_drawing = 255 - dilated_edges
line_img = Image.fromarray(line_drawing)
right_img = add_white_space_right(line_img)
right_img, paste_x_position, paste_y_position = watermark(right_img, sb_logo, line_img)
exif_data = list(get_exif(input_path))
if str(exif_data) != str([None, None, None]):
print("drawing scale bar")
line_img = draw_scale_bar(right_img, exif_data, compass, line_img, paste_x_position, paste_y_position)
line_img = freemium_watermark(line_img, sb_logo)
return line_img
line_img = freemium_watermark(line_img, sb_logo)
return line_img
sb_logo ="./SB_logo_horizontal.png")
compass ="./compass.jpg")
demo = gr.Interface(create_line_drawing,
demo.queue(max_size=10).launch() |