import os import sys import cv2 import json import random import time import requests import func_timeout import numpy as np import gradio as gr ApiUrl = os.environ['ApiUrl'] OpenId = os.environ['OpenId'] ApiKey = os.environ['ApiKey'] OssUrl = os.environ['OssUrl'] Regions = os.environ['Regions'] proj_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) data_dir = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'Datas') # data_dir = "Datas" tmpFolder = "tmp" os.makedirs(tmpFolder, exist_ok=True) def get_cloth_examples(): cloth_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ClothImgs') examples = [] files = sorted(os.listdir(cloth_dir)) # files = sorted(os.listdir(cloth_dir))[::-1] for f in files: cloth_id = f cloth_path = os.path.join(cloth_dir, f) examples.append([cloth_id, cloth_path]) examples = examples[::-1] return examples def get_pose_examples(): pose_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'PoseImgs') examples = [] for f in os.listdir(pose_dir): pose_id = f pose_path = os.path.join(pose_dir, f) examples.append([pose_id, pose_path]) return examples def get_result_example(cloth_id, pose_id): result_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ResultImgs') res_path = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{cloth_id}_{pose_id}") return res_path def getAllFastInfs(apiUrl, openId, apiKey, clientIp): params = {'openId':openId, 'apiKey':apiKey, 'ipId':'', 'page':0} session = requests.session() ret ="{apiUrl}/api/inf/get_batch_fast_results", data=json.dumps(params)) res = [] if ret.status_code==200: if 'data' in ret.json(): records = ret.json()['data']['records'] for record in records: res.append({'pose':OssUrl+record['bodyUrl']+"?thumbnail/768x768>", 'res':OssUrl+record['showUrl']+"?thumbnail/768x768>", 'state':int(record['state']), 'position':int(record['position'])}) return res def upload_imgs(apiUrl, openId, apiKey, clientIp, cloth_image, pose_image): folder = os.path.join(tmpFolder, clientIp.replace(".", "")) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) pose_path = os.path.join(folder, 'pose.jpg') cloth_path = os.path.join(folder, 'cloth.jpg') cv2.imwrite(pose_path, pose_image[:,:,::-1]) cv2.imwrite(cloth_path, cloth_image[:,:,::-1]) params = {'openId':openId, 'apiKey':apiKey, 'ipId':'', 'poseFileName':os.path.basename(pose_path), 'clothFileName':os.path.basename(cloth_path), 'maskFileName':''} session = requests.session() ret ="{apiUrl}/api/inf/fastinf_upload", data=json.dumps(params)) res = 0 if ret.status_code==200: if 'data' in ret.json(): data = ret.json()['data'] if data['cod'] in [2, 3]: return data['cod'] with open(cloth_path, 'rb') as file: response = requests.put(data['clothUrl'], data=file) with open(pose_path, 'rb') as file: response = requests.put(data['poseUrl'], data=file) if os.path.exists(pose_path): os.remove(pose_path) if os.path.exists(cloth_path): os.remove(cloth_path) return data['infId'] return res def publicFastSwap(apiUrl, openId, apiKey, infId, category, caption, denoise_steps): if category=="upper_cloth": category = 1 elif category=="lower_cloth": category = 2 elif category=="dresses": category = 3 elif category=="full_body": category = 4 params = {'openId':OpenId, 'apiKey':ApiKey, 'infId':infId, 'denoise_steps':int(denoise_steps), 'auto_mask':1, 'auto_crop':1, 'category':category, 'caption':caption} session = requests.session() ret ="{ApiUrl}/api/inf/public_fastinf", data=json.dumps(params)) if ret.status_code==200: if 'data' in ret.json(): """ [Success] An example returns the result {'code': 200, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': True} """ print('public task successfully!') return ret.json()['data'] def getFastInfRes(apiUrl, openId, apiKey, infId): params = {'openId':openId, 'apiKey':apiKey, 'infId':infId} session = requests.session() ret = requests.get(f"{apiUrl}/api/inf/get_fast_result", params=params) if ret.status_code==200: if 'data' not in ret.json(): return 0 return ret.json()['data'] else: return 0 @func_timeout.func_set_timeout(10) def check_func(ip): session = requests.session() ret = requests.get(f"{ip}") for k in ret.json()['data']: nat = ret.json()['data'][k]['nation'] if nat.lower() in Regions.lower(): print(nat, 'invalid') return False else: print(nat, 'valid') return True def check_warp(ip): try: return check_func(ip) except Exception as e: print(e) return True