#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# coding: utf-8 | |
#Requirements | |
#pip3 install requests | |
#pip3 install bs4 | |
#run in the browser also what are you doing with the help of chrome driver | |
# ## Basic fundamentals of web scraping | |
# import these two modules bs4 for selecting HTML tags easily | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
# requests module is easy to operate some people use urllib but I prefer this one because it is easy to use. | |
import requests | |
from selenium import webdriver | |
# I put here my own blog url ,you can change it. | |
url="" | |
BASE_URL = "" | |
#Requests module use to data from given url | |
source=requests.get(url) | |
def get_chrome_web_driver(options): | |
return webdriver.Chrome("./chromedriver", chrome_options=options) | |
def get_web_driver_options(): | |
return webdriver.ChromeOptions() | |
def set_ignore_certificate_error(options): | |
options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') | |
def set_browser_as_incognito(options): | |
options.add_argument('--incognito') | |
# BeautifulSoup is used for getting HTML structure from requests response.(craete your soup) | |
soup=BeautifulSoup(source.text,'html') | |
# Find function is used to find a single element if there are more than once it always returns the first element. | |
title=soup.find('title') # place your html tagg in parentheses that you want to find from html. | |
print("this is with html tags :",title) | |
qwery=soup.find('h1') # here i find first h1 tagg in my website using find operation. | |
#use .text for extract only text without any html tags | |
print("this is without html tags:",qwery.text) | |
links=soup.find('a') #i extarcted link using "a" tag | |
print(links) | |
# ## extarct data from innerhtml | |
# here i extarcted href data from anchor tag. | |
print(links['href']) | |
## or another way | |
##extracting href(links) attribute and anchor(<a>) tag from page | |
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True): | |
print ( a['href']) | |
for i in links: | |
print(i.text) | |
# similarly i got class details from a anchor tag | |
print(links['class']) | |
# ## findall operation in Bs4 | |
# findall function is used to fetch all tags at a single time. | |
many_link=soup.find_all('a') # here i extracted all the anchor tags of my website | |
total_links=len(many_link) # len function is use to calculate length of your array | |
print("total links in my website :",total_links) | |
print() | |
for i in many_link[:6]: # here i use slicing to fetch only first 6 links from rest of them. | |
print(i) | |
second_link=many_link[1] #here i fetch second link which place on 1 index number in many_links. | |
print(second_link) | |
print() | |
print("href is :",second_link['href']) #only href link is extracted from ancor tag | |
# select div tag from second link | |
nested_div=second_link.find('div') | |
# As you can see div element extarcted , it also have inner elements | |
print(nested_div) | |
print() | |
#here i extracted class element from div but it give us in the form of list | |
z=(nested_div['class']) | |
print(z) | |
print(type(z)) | |
print() | |
# " " .join () method use to convert list type into string type | |
print("class name of div is :"," ".join(nested_div['class'])) | |
# ## scrap data from wikipedia | |
wiki=requests.get("") | |
soup=BeautifulSoup(wiki.text,'html') | |
print(soup.find('title')) | |
# ### find html tags with classes | |
ww2_contents=soup.find_all("div",class_='toc') | |
for i in ww2_contents: | |
print(i.text) | |
overview=soup.find_all('table',class_='infobox vevent') | |
for z in overview: | |
print(z.text) | |
images=soup.find_all('img') | |
images | |
##or | |
print(images) | |