BulkCalcSpace / app.py
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Update app.py
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import os
from fastapi import FastAPI
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
import time
TOKEN = os.environ.get("BULK_ENERGY_TOKEN")
API = HfApi(token=TOKEN)
REPO_ID = "AIEnergyScore/BulkCalcSpace"
RESULTS_DSET = "AIEnergyScore/BulkCalcResults"
app = FastAPI()
def start_train():
model_file = open("models.txt", "r+").readlines()
task_file = open("tasks.txt", "r+").readlines()
hardware_file = open("hardware.txt", "r+").readlines()
for hardware in hardware_file:
hardware = hardware.strip()
os.system(f"echo 'Requested hardware is {hardware}'")
curr_runtime = API.get_space_runtime(repo_id=REPO_ID)
os.system(f"echo 'Current hardware is {curr_runtime}'")
if curr_runtime.hardware != hardware:
os.system("echo 'Trying to switch.'")
API.request_space_hardware(repo_id=REPO_ID, hardware=hardware)
for model in model_file:
model = model.strip()
os.system(f"echo 'Attempting to benchmark model {model}.'")
for task in task_file:
task = task.strip()
os.system(f"echo 'Attempting to benchmark model {model} on task {task}.'")
# Create the name of the directory for output.
now = time.time()
run_dir = f"runs/{task}/{model}/{now}"
os.system(f"./entrypoint.sh {model} {task} {hardware} {run_dir}")
# Uploads all run output to the results dataset.
os.system(f"echo 'Uploading {run_dir} to {RESULTS_DSET}'")
API.create_repo(repo_id=f"{RESULTS_DSET}", repo_type="dataset",)
os.system("echo 'Created results dataset repository.'")
os.system("echo 'Using pre-existing dataset respository.'")
API.upload_folder(folder_path=run_dir, repo_id=f"{RESULTS_DSET}", repo_type="dataset",)
print("Pausing space")
#return {"Status": "Done"}