quantization / cutlass_w8a8 /scaled_mm_c2x_sm75_dispatch.cuh
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Add cutlass_w8a8
#pragma once
#include "scaled_mm_c2x.cuh"
* This file defines Gemm kernel configurations for SM75 based on the Gemm
* shape.
namespace vllm {
template <typename InType, typename OutType,
template <typename, typename> typename Epilogue>
struct sm75_config_default {
// This config is used in 2 cases,
// - M in (256, inf]
// - M in (64, 128]
// Shared memory required by this Gemm 32768
static_assert(std::is_same<InType, int8_t>());
using TileShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<128, 128, 64>;
using WarpShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 64, 64>;
using InstructionShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<8, 8, 16>;
using Cutlass2xGemm =
cutlass_2x_gemm<cutlass::arch::Sm75, enable_sm75_to_sm80, InType, OutType,
Epilogue, TileShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape, 2>;
template <typename InType, typename OutType,
template <typename, typename> typename Epilogue>
struct sm75_config_M256 {
// M in (128, 256]
// Shared memory required by this Gemm 65536
static_assert(std::is_same<InType, int8_t>());
using TileShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<128, 128, 128>;
using WarpShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 64, 64>;
using InstructionShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<8, 8, 16>;
using Cutlass2xGemm =
cutlass_2x_gemm<cutlass::arch::Sm75, enable_sm75_to_sm80, InType, OutType,
Epilogue, TileShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape, 2>;
template <typename InType, typename OutType,
template <typename, typename> typename Epilogue>
struct sm75_config_M64 {
// M in (32, 64]
// Shared memory required by this Gemm 49152
static_assert(std::is_same<InType, int8_t>());
using TileShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 128, 128>;
using WarpShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 64, 64>;
using InstructionShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<8, 8, 16>;
using Cutlass2xGemm =
cutlass_2x_gemm<cutlass::arch::Sm75, enable_sm75_to_sm80, InType, OutType,
Epilogue, TileShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape, 2>;
template <typename InType, typename OutType,
template <typename, typename> typename Epilogue>
struct sm75_config_M32 {
// M in [1, 32]
// Shared memory required by this Gemm 49152
static_assert(std::is_same<InType, int8_t>());
using TileShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<32, 128, 64>;
using WarpShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<32, 64, 64>;
using InstructionShape = typename cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<8, 8, 16>;
using Cutlass2xGemm =
cutlass_2x_gemm<cutlass::arch::Sm75, enable_sm75_to_sm80, InType, OutType,
Epilogue, TileShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape, 2>;
template <typename InType, typename OutType,
template <typename, typename> typename Epilogue,
typename... EpilogueArgs>
inline void cutlass_gemm_sm75_dispatch(torch::Tensor& out,
torch::Tensor const& a,
torch::Tensor const& b,
EpilogueArgs&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_same<InType, int8_t>());
TORCH_CHECK(a.dtype() == torch::kInt8);
TORCH_CHECK(b.dtype() == torch::kInt8);
using Cutlass2xGemmDefault =
typename sm75_config_default<InType, OutType, Epilogue>::Cutlass2xGemm;
using Cutlass2xGemmM256 =
typename sm75_config_M256<InType, OutType, Epilogue>::Cutlass2xGemm;
using Cutlass2xGemmM128 = Cutlass2xGemmDefault;
using Cutlass2xGemmM64 =
typename sm75_config_M64<InType, OutType, Epilogue>::Cutlass2xGemm;
using Cutlass2xGemmM32 =
typename sm75_config_M32<InType, OutType, Epilogue>::Cutlass2xGemm;
// Due to shared memory requirements, some Gemms may fail to run on some
// GPUs. As the name indicates, the Fallback Gemm is used as an alternative
// in such cases.
// sm75_config_default has the least shared-memory requirements.
using FallbackGemm = Cutlass2xGemmDefault;
uint32_t const m = a.size(0);
uint32_t const mp2 =
std::max(static_cast<uint32_t>(32), next_pow_2(m)); // next power of 2
if (mp2 <= 32) {
// M in [1, 32]
return fallback_cutlass_gemm_caller<Cutlass2xGemmM32, FallbackGemm>(
out, a, b, std::forward<EpilogueArgs>(args)...);
} else if (mp2 <= 64) {
// M in (32, 64]
return fallback_cutlass_gemm_caller<Cutlass2xGemmM64, FallbackGemm>(
out, a, b, std::forward<EpilogueArgs>(args)...);
} else if (mp2 <= 128) {
// M in (64, 128]
return fallback_cutlass_gemm_caller<Cutlass2xGemmM128, FallbackGemm>(
out, a, b, std::forward<EpilogueArgs>(args)...);
} else if (mp2 <= 256) {
// M in (128, 256]
return fallback_cutlass_gemm_caller<Cutlass2xGemmM256, FallbackGemm>(
out, a, b, std::forward<EpilogueArgs>(args)...);
} else {
// M in (256, inf)
return fallback_cutlass_gemm_caller<Cutlass2xGemmDefault, FallbackGemm>(
out, a, b, std::forward<EpilogueArgs>(args)...);
} // namespace vllm